Hey guys!It's certainly been awhileRevisited this site with a whole-hearted smile!Came to show my shiny new college friends some of my old poemsAnd wh..
You're not the only onehurting from this.I have found the timebefore my 8 hour shiftThat I had yesterday,have today,and have tomorrowFuck, I don't eve..
I don't get itI'm slipping into uncertainty again;Not really sure what's been happenin'Thought we were a match made in heavenBut now you're tapping yo..
Are you wearing skin repellent?Because, if you are, it smells absolutely wonderful.And, it makes you look really, really sexy.But, I'm a little upset ..
He keeps asking me, "What do you want for your birthday?""I don't know, Kevin. I don't really want anything.""Everybodywants something, Kyle. I'm not ..
Ever since I could remember, Iris by the GooGoo Dolls has been a favorite of mine, but I would never tell people that. It's a soft song, and it means ..
I bleed to know I'm alive,I cry to remind myself that I have eyesI listen to my heart to know its beatingI whisper to myself to know I'm still hearing..
You made me this way...
This one is long, I'd very much appreciate the read if you have the time. :) It's very special to me.
Id, Ego and SuperegoHe was distraughtEverything he knew turned out to be notNow his brain is coiling into a knotSeventeen years old, wondering if he s..