Bright Eyes : Writing

Letter to my Past

Letter to my Past

A Story by Bright Eyes

A letter to a former friend.


A Story by Bright Eyes

Words, like blood, pour out of me; but the blood pours out of my veins, first in droplets, then in strea..
Grace and Isabella

Grace and Isabella

A Story by Bright Eyes

A dream I had a very very long time ago. It is symbolic of my life.
Cry Dry Tears

Cry Dry Tears

A Story by Bright Eyes

Is it possible to cry dry tears?If so, what is it called?Is dry sobbing called crying?Is it called convu..
To a Friend

To a Friend

A Story by Bright Eyes

Person #2 Hm.What do I say to you?You hurt me so badly. I thought you were my ..
What Would Happen?

What Would Happen?

A Poem by Bright Eyes

A really old piece
Was it a Dream?

Was it a Dream?

A Story by Bright Eyes

Was it a dream?Was it a hallucination?Am I delusional? They came.They came last night, they..
Es Tut Mir Leid

Es Tut Mir Leid

A Poem by Bright Eyes

Please come back to me. I want you, I need you.You make me feel better, you make the pain s..


A Story by Bright Eyes

Another really old piece.
It Was Me

It Was Me

A Story by Bright Eyes

Another really old piece.