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chatsworth, IL
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Way up there, past the blue, out where it goes all black and quiet. Way up there where you can see all of life spread out like a picture, you'd think you'd understand it all. You would think that life would make sense. But it never does, does it? Gone all messy and fucked up and you ain't never really in control. That's how it feels. Especially when you're all wrapped up in the day to day and nothing seems to change unless it breaks. But, that ain't it either. You gotta open your eyes, gotta open your heart and mind and soul and let it sweep you away and under til you're drowning in it. Til you can't regret yesterday. Til you don't regret who you are. Cuz that's what matters. All them little things that seem so unimportant, they're what makes a life. And ain't no life worthless. We all have a story, a great big f*****g blockbuster of a story in there, wrapped up all deep and hidden. Inside all of us. Cuz it's the little things that make a life. Living everyday and drowning in it, wringing every last breath from it. Loving with all your heart til you weep with the beauty of it. The craziness of it. All of it. Never regret. Never flinch. And never let it pass you by.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

heh bro, thanks for joining my friends list,
i look forward to reading your work, mike