Itches run up my wristsflowing into my armsthe anxiety spreadslike a contagion It travelsmaking homes ineach organ and burrowingdeeper into my skinwhe..
I like to think that you made it to theHigher Placeand got to meet your makerin your personalised paradiseWhere you are surroundedby family and friend..
All I can ask is that you are watching over me and keeping me safe with a Higher Powerand guiding me down the straighter pathwhere the treesare sparse..
Writing this, I find myself looking back at the many times I would run to my dad and expect him, I suppose, to save me from the storm.
Now that dad h..
Softlyhe whispers to me"Do you not seeHow such beauty canlie in your eyes even in these moments of sadness?" I relinquish into skinwhich tears like pa..
How much longercan I continue to livesuch a redundant lifewith no purposeor real desireto amount to much.How much longerWill this depressionrun throug..