About MeUnderemployed Math geek from Chicago, who was seeing what he could do within the limitations of the blog format of a certain social bookmarking service that need not be mentioned, before it became evil. I mean, more evil. Not that I was surprised by this, or unprepared for it.
I will be posting a kind of criticism, in which I don't merely talk about what I liked and why, but what I found interesting in what I saw or read, what I learned from it, and how I built on what I learned. Much of this is under construction, at the moment (2:46 am, October 11, 2011). Come back in a week or two, and much will still be waiting to be written, but at least the links will be going to the right places. Main Blog / Practice Sessions Scribbld | InsaneJournal Blog Homepage Goodluckwith.us | Webring Webspace 8m.com | 1FreeHosting Associated Pages My Flickr Profile | My Youtube Channel | Google Profile Panoramio | Tumblr | VisualizeUs | Wordpress Out for Air: Photographic Microblog on Typepad Some Groups I Run Social Bookmarking Collective | Brief Bookmarking | Over 21 Return to Your Ring Scribbld | Goodluckwith.us | Webring Webspace 8m.com | 1FreeHosting | InsaneJournal |