K. : Writing



A Chapter by K.

Searching“Yeah,” She sighs. “It’s exactly like that.” His face is in his hands, his fingers spread across his..


A Chapter by K.

I “Monty, get up. Let’s go, this century.” “It’s Montgomery.” I manage, the sleep still deep in my eyes and my mi..
How We Are

How We Are

A Book by K.

Boys In a Battlefield

Boys In a Battlefield

A Story by K.

Load the rounds into the magazine.Take off the safety.Aim at the enemy.Or what you think is the enemy. They really aren't, of course.The real enemy ar..
A to B

A to B

A Story by K.

A. She waded in the river, her fingertips hovering above the reflected surface. When her fingers dipped into the cool water, rings rippled out, collid..
99 Days

99 Days

A Story by K.

99 days.They say it takes 21 days to develop a habit, or get rid of an old one. So, really, by now- 99 days- I should be over you, right? But guess wh..
To Those Who...

To Those Who...

A Story by K.

To those who care, What is it to be brave? Truly, truly brave? Is it always telling the truth, knowing that you’ll get in trouble for your ac..


A Story by K.

The steam filled the shower, drowning her thoughts, but never completely, yet still a nice change from the memory-erasing whiskey that sat on her coun..
Thoughts and Words

Thoughts and Words

A Story by K.

(1)Brick face, brick eyes, brick mouth, brick body. (1a)“It’s like talking to a brick wall when I’m with you.” (2)It’..


A Story by K.

A delusion. You weren't really, truly, physically there; I only thought I saw you. I guess I could've seen someone that looked like you, but you..