About Me
i'm not a writer; i am a liar. i sometimes write far too specifically; i sometimes write so vague even i lose track of what it is i'm on about. i tend to write when i can't think.
this seems to be a good way to get feed back without having what i write criticized in harsh whispers. because i live in a fairly small community, word gets around quickly and wicked opinions are far too contagious. here is what i do when i am cannot seem to focus on the task at hand. i type, write, speak in whispers, and hope for the best. i mumble to my self, hope that others listen, but pray they don't notice i'm the one speaking. the internet it anonymous if you make it that way.
i have this profile to share what i think, how i think, and what comes when i write. i show you my set up lines of symbols and hope you share with me what goes through your mind as you read them, days later when something clicks, or what it brought you back from your past to remember. don't tell me it's good, bad, or generic; tell me what it made you think, tell me why it's good, bad or generic.
[and there probably should be a 18+ warning on some of my stuff, but maturity is not directly age related. keep this in mind though if you see fit to.]
i find it find it self-centered that the letter i is to be capitalized when referring to oneself. yes, someone has told me this may be referred to as an "e e cummings" of thought process.
--I've grown a tad, I believe, since beginning this account. I've noticed my writing style has changed, often I think for the worse... but it is how it is. I've shared this site with friends, and even told them it was me... no the name is in no way similar to my own birth nor current legal name. It is still a pen name. I hope, one day, to be published, but am not motivated enough as of yet. Trouble seems to be I keep my more polished writing off this site, and hidden away in buried files of my computer, for fear it may actually be recognized as my word.