The city’s rhythmic harmony - a
three layered harmony - has become a constant part of our lives. In its absence
one feels a void - an ear shap..
So the ad began with a light melodious
music one that you associate with a happy family dinner on a regular evening.
With the expectation set, the..
So after a lengthy battle between Mr. Setu Mathan and The
Central Bank (TCB), the verdict has been delivered. From today onwards, every
citizen of t..
The bladder had reached the point of bursting.
Throwing the bag on the desk, made way - literally, by pushing people around - towards the washroom. T..
The white cake with yellow candles glittered in the glow
of their flames. People gathered around swayed on their feet in an euphoric
state flashing ..
The day had finally come to an end. 7 ‘o’ clock.
I picked up my bag and made way for the lift. The
artificial lights in the lobby area..
The smogged out city looked desolate
in a forlorn way. That was not true of course. But it didn’t matter. In just a
few minutes, the multi-col..
The mohalla had gone quiet. Once an epicentre
of uninhibited activity, it had come to a shuddering halt sometime back. From
the days of brightly lit..
Monday: The sun is seething. And
instead of burning, it’s causing asphyxiation. Or that is what it feels like.
Inside a pool but not full of w..
On a grey-cast monsoon morning, bathed in sweat (mine and others - ‘local’ites will know) and scolded for not yet having reached office, I..