Itsuki watched from afar at the little girl with short blue hair as she sat alone beside a small flower watching it intensely; as if staring at it wou..
Harunawas sitting on the small, green and rather comfy couch in the small messy living room in her house watching what ever she could find on tv. In t..
Day 1:She used to
think she was art itself. Indulging in poetry and stories from centuries
ago.Visiting museums in her free time and
wandering a..
Sad HeartA heart that is empty,That
doesn't let anyone in,That pushes people aside,That
doesn't care.Someone who is emotionlessOr doesn't have
Momo never really had any friends; just people she knew on the internet, She always cared for living things and that's how she got hurt when she turne..
A deep lonely feeling,Something in us is bleeding,We see you
both standing there,She and I are full of care,You both hurt us
every which way we lo..
Someday i knew it would happenThe fighting, screaming, cryingYou
tried to leave when i was just threeA little girl who had no clue
thatYou had lie..