Areej : Writing

Being Human: Curse or Blessing?

Being Human: Curse or Blessing?

A Story by Areej

Just some thoughts
I'm fine

I'm fine

A Poem by Areej

My Existence

My Existence

A Poem by Areej

I'll Survive

I'll Survive

A Poem by Areej

Bad days...
How I Feel

How I Feel

A Poem by Areej

My first poem in a VERY long time. Not many people know dysthymia even exists. This is how the world feels like if you have it. Suggestions and critic..
Why Do I Write?

Why Do I Write?

A Poem by Areej

Wrote this during a class in college. Was feeling too sleepy or was I just frustrated/distracted. Ah well don't remember. This is a poem about existen..


A Poem by Areej

True, isn't it?
Memory and Time

Memory and Time

A Poem by Areej

This is an account of one of the many magical days of my childhood. It was really hard writing this. Looking back, it's hard to believe I was happy on..
They Say

They Say

A Poem by Areej

Burning Bridges

Burning Bridges

A Poem by Areej

I don't burn bridgesI let them rot and decayTillThey are swallowedBy the mercilessTides of Times

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