blackbelief : Writing

Entangled dreams

Entangled dreams

A Poem by blackbelief

The yarn rolled down as it threaded through the needlewhen January embers screened the bleak hillside contourit rumbled and tumbled along meandering b..
Once in a while

Once in a while

A Poem by blackbelief

Once in a whileI look for momentsamongst many that come my wayI trace my right index onto my left palmand list down words that defiedtimeI watch as my..


A Poem by blackbelief

Ironically, even this poem mentions more of you than whatshisface.
In your stories

In your stories

A Poem by blackbelief

I was looking for still water When the river had almost drowned me Falling rocks had my feet slip Climbing the mountain that killed me In your sto..
The comet

The comet

A Poem by blackbelief

In the night when you whispered in my ear,I whispered back the only thing I knew.You knew I wouldn't stay,I wish I was looking for you.When I leave in..


A Poem by blackbelief

I look out towards the far eastThe sun is warm but bleakThe wind it sends is still warmbut I know that winter is nearI came a long way from homeI do n..
The place where words come from

The place where words come from

A Poem by blackbelief

far long I have wandered,when the sun was eager to call up the moonand moon equally eager to leave its place.only a few moments I livedeternally wande..
Dear Mom and Dad

Dear Mom and Dad

A Poem by blackbelief

Yesterday,I put on a wide facade.I smiled and told them, "Everything was okay."and that "I will handle anything that goes wrong."and that "they didn't..
The playground

The playground

A Story by blackbelief

The school playground was the world for children at the local primary school. Most of their day was spent thinking about what they would play on t..
The loneliest girl

The loneliest girl

A Poem by blackbelief

She dances against a moon so bright, a silhouette in grace of lady night and in the lady's arms she cries Many a moons and stars alike, Cannot dry..