On a weary road the traveller lay
And breathed in air that called his sweat
The wind howled across his face
As he closed his eyes for a dreary rest..
I was studying in university for my bachelor's when I first
started reading a Manga called “One piece”. Every now and then, I used to hav..
In brief flashes of white sandswhere you wait for me,I lost a breath or two,remembering where I left you.Moments come uninvited and are gone far too s..
It’s the end of October
and the winter months have comeI take my father’s
hand as we walk towards the city public libraryIts stature
Why doth thee, oh sombre gloom,
Findeth me, as though I seeketh you?
Mayhap a glebe, dusk hyacinths,
Put asunder my thoughts.
Fair is dusk, Fair..
Much of what I
is furniture
in a room.
One would
assume, given its roots,
a bed in the
kitchen would be odd.
Almost as odd
as s..
“Snip, snap”, I hear the scissors go,
the locks fall right before me.
In the months that preceded,
It grew longer than usual.
And ma..
"I woke up in tears because of a dream today. It was 5 am. It was a memory that had been untouched in some dusty corner of my mind."It has been 5 year..
You have all these words to tell mebut you have always faded awayand your silhouette against the skyhas never waved backSometimes I hear you calling i..
I remember,I rode my bicycle uphill and decided to pedal to the top.I remember exhaustion and pain,some more of it and the numbness that came after it..