I was so happy this evening, when really, I had no reason to be. It was a really hard day, and I hadn't been feeling great, but regardless, I was happ..
I asked for fifteen minutes--we hung out for close to ninety.Twice this week I've needed just moments with someone familiar--someone I knew I'd be hap..
When I ran into you yesterday afternoon, I tried dropping some fairly heavy hints, trying to get you to be the one to suggest that we do something tog..
A month later, and not much has changed. In fact, one could argue that it got worse.You cared. You honestly cared for a month, and then something happ..
I made the mistake again. I cared more than I should've.Here's the advice I got...shortly after I realized this: "It's difficult to learn to build up ..
We really hit it off when we started treasure hunting, but it escalated when three weeks ago I asked to talk to you. I just wanted to thank you for he..
I'm pretty sure it started out as a joke. She's the type to flirt without meaning it, and you seemed willing to play along with the "in love" act.I fo..
We hadn't really ever talked in the two months we had been Facebook friends, but over break, I messaged you over something trivial and something click..
Our date getting postponed until Thursday turned out to be a good thing.When I jokingly asked who I could trust, I don't know how much I was actually ..
I don't know where I stand with you. As in, I don't really know how much I like you. Give me a little bit to figure this out. Cause right now, I'm not..