Its voice danced around her, flitting back and forth. You
can’t catch me, you can’t catch me. Frustration had not hit her yet, an..
It was kind of accidental, really, how we got to be friends. And honestly, I really loved hanging out with you. We had many similar interests, most I ..
In the night she hadn't slept, feeling constantly as if
something was missing. Instead she watched the stars, the shards of light
cutting th..
This is going to sound weird, but I wish you were my older brother. I don't know how to explain why that'd be cool...just that it would be. Not that I..
The once brilliant creature lay before him in a pool of
black blood, a stark contrast against the silver scales. How strange
he thought at f..
Hi. Nice to meet you. Now that we have the niceties out of the way...I suppose I have to say thank you. More specifically, for making him happy. Most ..
This magic was absolutely silent, a complete contrast to the
raucous ceremonies of Medahir.
The diagrams were drawn in the air: chalk scratc..
I hope you had fun at the dance last night. I'm sure you did.But I think you had more fun on the way there and the way home, talking to Tal and hangin..
Why me? she wondered, flitting about. Why me?
Why'd they forget me? Why?
The expanse was lonely now, the white normally so inviting was icy ..
You're the first one that's turned to me for help, and it sounds strange, but I'm grateful for that.I've always wanted to be the comforting friend, an..