It's an interesting relationship we have right now.For one, we're both rather brutally honest with each other. Like that lunch conversation we had abo..
Twice in the past month I've talked to you, both times about an issue concerning you that had been bugging me. Both times I came about being the one c..
I told you this morning that the choir director and I had decided on a date to tell the rest of the choir the secret.You responded that you had alread..
I found out last week that you honestly like her. Not just take her to C-ball like her. But both of you are so shy you don't want to do anything about..
The simple issue of going to church in Hawaii became a problem. Your refusal to do so turned into a critique of everything wrong with the other person..
I moved lunch tables--at your advice, and partially because I was getting bored with my own. AJ and a few of her friends had moved over. AD stopped ta..
It hurts to realize the person you most want to be best friends with doesn't want to be friends with you.I realized this past week on our tour how lit..
It started Sunday night when we were on tour.I joined your group because mine was going shopping, and I didn't want to go with them. In the midst of t..
All I did last night was text you what time rehearsal was next week.That turned into a discussion on trying to balance stuff and coming up with ways t..