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South Shields, bloop, United Kingdom
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About Me

I am Beth/Bethan/Terri-Beth as my friends like to call, and I'm 15, 29/04/96, and started writing when I was about 13..? And now I get depression really bad and do things I should'nt and thats why I write crazy stuff like I do :( Sooo yeah, enjoy my writing, plz plz be honest with it so i can get better from that :)
I hate/dislike a book when it has the perfect girl in it and shes the good person because it reminds me of stuck up b*****s (pardon my language) that cant get over how beautiful they are.. what's wrong with halfcaste/beige/african american perfect or damaged girls in books that turn out to be even more perfect?! I love stories like that because its just me and my opinion! to me now there's to many perfect blondes with crystal blue eyes with dotty lil freckles :P im not hating, just saying, i have a bestfriend like that! but girls like that get me so wound up, black (im not being racist, but i actually count myself too) girls can be the main part of a story too :'( or a torn up girl with screwed up emotions or terrible background :P i just hate to see all the great looking girls getting all the attention in books now-a-days! Plz agree or disagree i dont care!

Music: screamo, rock, top hits.. maybe...? Love avril lavigne and kelly clarkson.
I enjoy art.
I am mostly unaware of my feeling's now.
Since I keep feeling down.
Anyways, hope you enjoy anything of my writes!! :D

Favourite color is purple.... Its just purple man :D

Favourite band is Linkin Park / secondhand serenade

Favourite female singer is Avril Lavigne/Kelly Clarkson

Name: Beth :3 Or Terri-Beth which is quite catchy

BTW i LOVEE love stories, im not into polictics and if i dont review the requst u sent me it's either because..:
1) I havent got time to get to it
2) I didnt find it interesting
3)It wasn't my thing to read like gore or something im just not bothered about :P
But i am very sincere in all my reviews and only some things on writerscafe gets m crying!! Lol

Yup Yup Yup Yup :3


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Posted 12 Years Ago

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Posted 13 Years Ago

you're welcome beth. we're all in this together

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Posted 13 Years Ago

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Posted 13 Years Ago

No problemo (:

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Posted 13 Years Ago

I could tell something was up. If it helps i've been there several times before.
If u ever need a person to talk to i'm always open to it, okay?

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Posted 13 Years Ago

hey, u ok?

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Posted 13 Years Ago

message me when u get a chance c:
- Nadia

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Haha. Your status reminds me of the song "I Won't Say I'm in Love" from the movie Hercules. Listen to it. :)

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Posted 13 Years Ago

You're welcome D:

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Posted 13 Years Ago

oh okays =/
Take care hun :)
o.o and enjoy your time...
and happy thanksgiving xD

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