Forbidden.I Am I supposed to respect his decision? To keep you and I separate? He expects I'll find some other 'victim' as he described it, well my in..
The colours of my love Lavender purple- for the way we first met, in that cramped little coffee shop, I knew as soon as I looked in your crystal blue ..
Why do you insist onbeing a murderer? God, You make me loose my mind,When you hold me close, we're intertwined.When no-ones there and faces blurr,whe..
Dissapointments! Don't you hate it when your standing there feeling theworst feeling in the world and you know the perfect exspression but when peopl..
There was a boy,He was ma toy.Made of plastic,Just elastic,So he couldn't hurt me,He brought me great glee.So I thought the world was made of barbieBu..
Faster than a gun shoot!You held my near and said I do,You told me you'd be there when I was blue.You told me your love was pure not a plot,But It was..
Cant you see?You walk past and my heart skips a beat,I know your face and the pattern of your feet.I'll be there, dont you know?Can't you see? doesn't..
Drugged up mad on nothingHe pulls me close for phsical connection,But I sure hope he doesn't want perfection.I don't know my way all to well,Hopefully..
Tap, tap,tap to the sound of the second,waiting to be called, waiting to be bekoned.You entice my body as you summon me in, You gesture me close so yo..