Do you know why women write of romance?Do know why we have our crazy rants?Because we find you men enchanting!We want to be a Queen and you be our kin..
I stare at your face and wish you were mine,I wish we were together, we could interwine.I plea in my head hoping my heart will win,You suddenl smile a..
A little Grace
Cruel words spat at my face,
I try to flee with a little grace.
But faces laugh as I sneak away,
I feel a deep sense of betray.
A teenage girl who pretends to her parents that she is going to summer camp for 4 weeks however takes her boyfriend, 3 best girls, and other boys to h..
Last time There once was a young girl and boy, they were abandoned by their parents when they were young, Olivia was 4 and Will 9. They spend 6 years..
JustOne big dream.....You picked me up an hour late,You had jeans on and looked a state.You forgot how to be sweet,You made me walk home through the s..
just for a little while...<3I'll lie in your arms as you kiss my neck, I am no longer a destressed shipwreck.I am blushing shades of rosey red,as y..
For the misunderstood, perplexed, and just plain messed up teens out there, read this and hopefully it can shed some light on you xxx please leave com..
I let you go but I need to finally make you mineI said I lovedyou so damn much,Andyou believedmy soft smile,gentle touch.I felt so warm and comfortabl..