CheshireCat : Writing

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by CheshireCat

I slipped into my new clothes, which consisted of size XL army pants that I had to hold up with a black ..
Chapter 5

Chapter 5

A Chapter by CheshireCat

A little Guardian to kid training... Jim and Lotta finally getting to know each other.
Chapter 6

Chapter 6

A Chapter by CheshireCat

In the morning I got woken up by a whole tub of Arizona iced tea dumped on me. I jumped up and punched James in the stomach. He just ..
Chapter 7

Chapter 7

A Chapter by CheshireCat

Months went by in this fashion. James taught me for half a year until I was finally ready to face an actual zombie (physically ready,..
Chapter 8

Chapter 8

A Chapter by CheshireCat

Sooner than I could say “I hate zombies.” I was flying through the air at five miles an hour. Luckily, I found C..
Wonderland... Again

Wonderland... Again

A Book by CheshireCat

Many people look forward to dreaming; some even take pills to be able to be submerged in the fuzzy world of our own imagination, but is it so great w..
1. And so it began...

1. And so it began...

A Chapter by CheshireCat

Every story has it's beginning, but none such as this one. What may seem to be fictional to some people, is more real than life itself to others. What..

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