Wrote this while learning web design, hence the cascading sheets as metaphor for the set patterns that govern human relationships in this case negati..
Stillness and boredom
make me apprehensive.
The nicotine creates
a familiar chaos,
momentarily numbing my mind,
weaving a spider..
Without you, every conversation would be like a game
Without a referee.
Without you, I’d get lost in paper perspective readings,
I took a walk down a street
Ina sexless world.
Genderless nineteenth century
Flaneur pedigree masses
Parading hormone scraped social..
You sycophantic institutes,
Chthonic demi-gods in Sunday hats.
You parade us for outdoor pick nicks
And we gonna party like its 1984.
Mine is a tubular rosa dentate
In which sometimes you find hollow bones.
Sometimes you find sanctuary
like a serpentine’s pen..
Part of a series of poems on the nature of the mind.
Listen with your mind
The mind is a master puzzle maker and obliterator.
Taking essence and disseminating it on soap boxes,
In the hinter..
The death of the Buddha
whose life I have lived vicariously.
He has sat there in his
primus position atop scriptures of borrowed books .
I find myself tired of tropes
Of all kinds.
Female tropes,
Male tropes,
God tropes,
Tropes of you and I.