An investigation of life and death and what might separate the two.
The sea’s waves were crass. Uncaring, insensitive, nescient.“I thought they cared, but they don’t care. They can pretendto care thou..
A philosophical poem about life. Is it all a series of endings once we begin? Do we look at it from a Hegelian or Heraclitic point of view?
google searching "ways to painlessly end my life",lends me a certain relief.Like the icy air that covers the moistness on my facelike the relief of a ..
about the eyes of someone I love
A poem about dealing with a broken heart that was delivered to you out of the blue.
Mon c"ur, mon c"ur,
Je le sens ici;
Dans l’eau, les arbes, le sable.
C’est ici, mon amour pour tu.
Avant j..
It's New Years Eve.You're sitting there, with borrowed skin and curly hair,I have sunk; again.You're telling me of all your woes,And I keep thinking o..
15 years too young.
Your lips attacked
Mine stood stunned.
My wholesome heart,
Lured me here
To this place where I’d be scorned and thro..
A kiss was just two mouths touching before I met you.
Two loners sharing a common want, desire.
Cold, wet, forced
Hands not sure where they belong..