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A Poem by Kitten

art art

A Poem by Kitten

childish childish

A Poem by Kitten

FairyTale FairyTale

A Poem by Kitten

S**t. S**t.

A Poem by Kitten

Gay Cows Gay Cows

A Poem by Kitten

About Me

I'm a hopeless romantic trapped in the body of a tomboy intellectual.
I am a dreamer, a feline imitator, a coffee-addict, a sci-fi enthusiast, and a creative.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

wow.. kitten thank you so much.. being prose
there is no rhyme form..but being inconsitant rhymes
yes.. i gree.. they are completely unintentional rhymes
which can be seen as botchy-messy
.. though i am glad you were able to look past that
and i highly appreciate your time and effort
as well as your kind thoughts,, please
send me read requests to anything particular
you are wanting read.. would be nice

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Your review of Friends is so appreciated and you
are totally correct, I should have cut the thing in half
and just posted the last half. Next time, due to your kind
revue, I will be guided by that thought.
Thank You !
----- Eagle Cruagh