Amanda Calvary

Amanda Calvary


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Fontana, CA
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About Me

I'm not the monster under your bed, but you'd be smart to respect me, and to keep your distance.
I am everything but myself. I don't call myself anything, I don't pretend to be anything. I am diverse, open and I lie. I protect myself. I never mean to hurt you, I just do it, and I'm usually never sorry. I am honest and I am not afraid to admit my imperfection, and that I will never persue it. Judge me, and make a fool of yourself. No one is ever the same.

I'm a b***h. But only to the right people.

I eat dead animals. Deal with it. I am a constant thinker. I'm a hypocrite. I'll respect you until I find a reason not to. I have more acquaintances then friends, so don't call me your friend.

I believe laws were built to protect our ancient cowards.

I am someone who disagrees with at least one thing you feel strongly about, believes in at least one thing that you don't, and reveres at least one thing you decry.