Wounds wide open - Our affections ignored, us getting boiled letting steam be awoken - Not like the first time, heart's are heavily beating..
My Baby, My Woman (guitar, piano and a little bit of saxophone) Coming from these parts. Got a style that turns all the guys heads her
way. That SW..
sista from the block!had lil', not much of a shot!earned rock that I got!
You do the voodoo.Boo hoo, cursed, what's one to do.Turn curse back on you.
Don't be pushin' up daisies!If you don't water, it won't grow.If there is no sun, it won't flourish.If you don't have patience, it won't bloom.If you'..
so t'is,so t'was,and so tw'll forev'r be so...
long gone aglow days.tears swept, wept for days on end...hues bloom through mesh'd gloom.
Faint imprints linger from where thou secretly appeared...Woke me from mine stup'r leaving me adorning flush'd heat. Fantasy draws me close, sensing w..
how strong are we,stronger then we think.read'ly face what invades our space.
For those dealing in their own way, I DO understand.