BlackRose : Writing

Do Come Again

Do Come Again

A Poem by BlackRose

At the door, inviting. Stately structured, physiqu'd vigor. Roused by your presence. You enticed by my hourglass stance. Bestill our attraction...Enwr..
Loving Capture

Loving Capture

A Poem by BlackRose

In the heart you lay profound. Suchbeauty,you make it pulsate each time... The love held only for you,as only youknow what captivates me.
Rockin' Me Into Heavy Mental Ecstasy

Rockin' Me Into Heavy Mental Ecstasy

A Poem by BlackRose

BlackRose collab with Jonathan Edward Furches-Aka-Forgottenwordsinside
After-O-DISIAC (A Collaboration with Eric Pudalov)

After-O-DISIAC (A Collaboration with Eric Pudalov)

A Poem by BlackRose

The story of a "rapturous romp," co-written with Eric Pudalov (from both male and female perspectives).
Love Me...

Love Me...

A Poem by BlackRose

Love meyes, Lovemenot Lovemedo,Lovemedon't Love me long,Lovemeshort Love metrue,Lovemefalse Love now,Lovemelater Love me forever..
Funny, You Don't Sing It That Inaccurately While Hanging From A Clothesline

Funny, You Don't Sing It That Inaccurately While H..

A Poem by BlackRose

I'm choking on a chard of pizza withaphrodisiac having me want to crochet in the shower upside down. Play ball I belt out to the co..
Love's Glow Blown Out

Love's Glow Blown Out

A Poem by BlackRose

LOVE'S GLOW BLOWN OUT Heart blew out again. I stood by the window, how bare it was peering out. All but pellets of blue..
Compute This My Love!

Compute This My Love!

A Poem by BlackRose

Have I seen you in actuality before, no? I could have sworn that was you down the there on that corner waving to me.
Seduce Senryu Strings

Seduce Senryu Strings

A Poem by BlackRose

Michael Ozwald full bod harmonized. ever strumming my nether strings. got..
Giving It To Her Provocatively

Giving It To Her Provocatively

A Poem by BlackRose

Giving It To Her ProvocativelyGlides along curvature line titillating with each finger stroke. Hovering toward her peaks. Her hand joins his there..