Jerisson : Writing



A Poem by Jerisson

A little dedication to my blue wind buddy.
Multi-Pronged Assault

Multi-Pronged Assault

A Poem by Jerisson

A really extreme version of a self-introduction poem.


A Poem by Jerisson

This is what happens when you write a poem after an AP US History Exam.


A Poem by Jerisson

Here's another examples of those song-inspired poems.
Shy Guy

Shy Guy

A Poem by Jerisson

Video games, they inspire you sometimes.
Fairy Tale

Fairy Tale

A Poem by Jerisson

A little dedication to an old flame.
On the FlipSide

On the FlipSide

A Poem by Jerisson

The struggles of teenage crushes.... :P


A Poem by Jerisson

When you don't know what to write about, write about that.
Polar Play

Polar Play

A Poem by Jerisson

Flip two sides of a coin, still got a coin.
Up on a Hill

Up on a Hill

A Poem by Jerisson

Song lyrics for a while inspired my poems, here's an example. ^_^