Lennie R. Walker

Lennie R. Walker


I'm new

Peachtree City, GA
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I'm fairly new to this. The only stories I've written are ones that don't get finished, or are about some movie I saw and I got inspired.
So please, bare with me. I know I'm not the greatest, but constructive critisism is still welcome.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

I think it was because I was the only one who brought a purse to the Velvet Elvis that time, or was it the pool hall? We have gone like everywhere, I can't even remember where we went....
but yea, everyone's stuff got dumped in my purse, and I forgot to redistribute at the end of the night....
but i hope you get over the block. Do you have an arboretum? You should go for a walk, even in the park, that usually gets it flowing for me.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey chickie!
What's up?!!?
...sooo, i found your Blacks in my purse, not quite sure how they got there....
but anyway, just wanted to see how you are! There's nothing new posted so, let me know when you've got something you want me to read :)