Avani Chhaya : Writing

A very-soon dedication

A very-soon dedication

A Poem by Avani Chhaya

Puffing a cigarette on the outskirts of the windy-cobbled pathBeneath flakes of white petals The salt-and-pepper hair Greased into imperfect waves of ..
The mistaken truth

The mistaken truth

A Poem by Avani Chhaya

Facts become nothing more than wavering intentionsA seize of emotion transformed into a justified afterthought Making it ..
According to the I's between the they's

According to the I's between the they's

A Poem by Avani Chhaya

With slow-moving, ache-filled legs, they shuffle across the green-colored lawn simply to get to their time-slotted destination ..
Getting lost in the so and so

Getting lost in the so and so

A Poem by Avani Chhaya

The saddened city covered opens to the lamp-filled streetsIt seems as if the fifty thousand so and so get lost within the beatsSinking lower into the ..
With a purpose

With a purpose

A Poem by Avani Chhaya

He, drags himself out of bed limping with invisible wounds to the reflective bathroom so that he can stare at his creased, worried face, as he bru..
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Compartment 114
Compartment 114
The sweetness of honey

The sweetness of honey

A Poem by Avani Chhaya

I slip into the honey-induced coma meant only for me under a pretense of being whole again. I succumb to the so-called sweet honey that swirls incessa..
Within the unoccupied spaces

Within the unoccupied spaces

A Poem by Avani Chhaya

Plucking its strings happily, etching its memories into my sore fingers, feeling the fragments of song embed itself into the empty crevices of my ..
Getting Unstuck

Getting Unstuck

A Poem by Avani Chhaya

Boxes become my worst nightmare, the constant paranoia, the biggest bully in the grade, the looming fear grinding into desperate reality, the over..
Airlift ruins

Airlift ruins

A Poem by Avani Chhaya

mastery of flight suspended in weightlessness, aboard the steel-winged contraption flying through the curtained sheet delivering the scripted performa..
From the many and the too few

From the many and the too few

A Poem by Avani Chhaya

I come from the clanging of steel-rimmed, pyrex pans, from little pockets of fame hidden in stowed away placesfrom the shade casting pounds of relief,..

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