A. L. Allen

A. L. Allen


Determined to finally finish what I started. This ten-year saga has to come to a close at some point.

Logan , UT
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About Me


I have had a lifetime passion for writing. I started when my father introduced me to the wonders of Microsoft Word on a dinosaur of a computer, and haven't stopped since. I have attempted everything from comedy skits to fantasy novels; some with more success than others. My lifetime goal is to never run out of stories to write. In my spare time, I also love to read, sing, play music, and explore the outdoors. I am currently attending Utah State University, where I'm pursuing an undergraduate degree in Social Work.

Over the last year, I've had the pleasure of working with Vinculinc.com to publish two of my short stories ("In Progress" and "Where Demons Rest"). You can find the link to Vinculinc in my "Website" section. If you are looking for a great way to get introduced into the publishing world, I highly recommend them!

Note: I have been on this website for several, SEVERAL years. For nostalgia's sake, I have kept many of my old writings on here. I warn any of you that decide to read anything that is copyrighted before 2017; what you find may not be pretty. Simply sentimental. Please do not judge those too harshly. :)


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Posted 8 Years Ago

I miss old times so much, it's been almost five years, can you believe it? I go back through emails and here and still laugh at them, they're so precious. How are you Ally? What's up? You've started so many new projects I see. I haven't written an actual thing in so long, I lost all my confidence and ability :L

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Posted 10 Years Ago

*double glomp*

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Posted 10 Years Ago


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Posted 10 Years Ago

*pokes cheek*


Hello, dear Ally!
Just thought I'd drop by to see how you are faring! :D

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Posted 10 Years Ago


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Posted 10 Years Ago

How did I not see your status? 0.0 Congrats on your job! How's it going so far?

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Posted 10 Years Ago


*throws confetti all around*

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Oh no it's totally fine girl! I just thought you'd dropped off the face of the planet, since I hadn't seen you on my newsfeed in awhile. I hope you do well on your performance! Tell me how it goes. :)

Ugh, schoolwork. Can you believe that we only have another month of school left, not including this one? I mean...I just started high school last month..right? :P Time is going by waaayyy too fast for me to keep track with.

You take your time to review the story. :) No worries, eh?

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Don't bluff now. I know you've hidden it. Deep within the fortress which is Your Room. I shall get it back from you no matter what! *flying tackle*

*both roll on the ground wrestling*


How do ya do? XD

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Posted 11 Years Ago


*eyes slant* Now hand over that diamond you heisted last week. And I'll let you off easy. *beckons threateningly*