Whenever I allow myself to think of love, my mind runsTo the chambers where secret memories are stored,In sealed chests, on high unreachable shelves, ..
Granted the sense of sight, I seeWhat you see, reflections of light, betweenInfrareds and ultraviolets, a little portionOf the electromagnetic spectru..
Sheltered in deep abysses, envelopedBy the soft touch of translucent salted fluids,Voluptuous fluctuating bodies of enthralling creaturesInhabit the u..
In darkness the absence of light sparklesMan’s reflection on notions of nothingness.Empty space ultimately devoided of purposeAs space unhosting..
As a child I struggled many a timeWith notions of rights and wrongs,Searching in the voice of parentsThrough approval and scoldingLessons to identify ..
We surprise ourselves with the ability to feelEmotions run so deep in our veins, swallowingUs into the abysses of irrationality, castingUs throughout ..
just in case it is not clear, this poem is about coffee!
Anthropology suggests there was a timeWhen no communication was spoken by men,Merely embryonic sounds to expressPrimitive thoughts, until development ..
The place was the unexpected carefree hostOf several tipsy nights wettedBy friendly toasts and temporary infatuations,Lasting the duration grantedBy g..
Come with me, I’ll show you whereThe wonders sparkle beguiling blessingsArousing perceptions of gratitude innateTo heedless humans in lack of de..