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confuse me

confuse me

A Poem by Audrie

Maggots Maggots

A Poem by Audrie

    meant to be meant to be

A Poem by Audrie

neurotic ways neurotic ways

A Poem by Audrie

journey journey

A Poem by Audrie

feeling feeling

A Poem by Audrie


A Poem by Audrie

Forms Forms

A Poem by Audrie

contortionist contortionist

A Poem by Audrie

About Me

I love to create as far out and as far in as my mind can take me. I love all forms of creation. I enjoy writing because I know that the works will always reside within me and nothing can destroy a thought - it always is. This can't be said about tangible forms of art. Although, I love to paint and sculpt as well. Oh, and also, it usually takes me a while to respond because I don't have a computer- but I will as soon as I can because I love to give and receive feedback. peace, balance and harmony.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

‘The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other’. - Burton Hillis (pseudonym) used by William E Vaughan columnist/author.

Have a wonderful Christmas!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Why thank you for the review. After that piece I was challenged to do a humorous short story. I just finished and posted. Tell me if you like it - a Mythtake of Olympic Proportions.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Why thank you so much for the review... I don't delve on the dark side much but this book I am reading gives me inspiration into it... and I do not mind you copying it... very flattering.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

just a fan...hope you check out my work...

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Posted 15 Years Ago

hello thanks for your review of "Landlords" my situation isn't that bad but still it was fun to write :D

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Posted 17 Years Ago

by the way, my girlfriend and I are looking into moving down to Tuscon because of the TG civil rights your city has down there! :)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you for reviewing my article: Manifesto of Adversity which has earned me a warning from the owner of this web site lol Too many fascists have complained about my writing and reviews. lol Freedom of Speech here is like a piss in the wind!

They can ban me from this site, but they'll never silence me! :)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

thank you so much for your review of BlackBird Sung!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the review. The setting was 3:33 am........"late at night"....."early in the morning" get the picture. I have also had a connection with 33's, as well as 22 and 11; as far as numerology goes, those are my significant numbers (not that I'm a numerologist or anything, but I did check it out). Anyway, thanks again; I'll check out your words like I said I would.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you for your kind words of review I was feeling just that peaceful. Take
care and be blessed.