But he'sSeventeen, he doesn't give a damn aboutWhat his parents say or his future plans.He's got his mind set on his friendsAnd his life right then,If..
And oh, oh wait.Give me a minute,Let me figure out howI’m gonna suffer throughAnother one of your relationshipsThat I’m not even in. And o..
She grew up too fast, From the pressures of her home.She felt all alone.She didn’t fit inwith her group ofAlleged friends.She doesn’t unde..
He was laying on his deathbedBut he didn’t know it yet.The nurse came in with another IV,Said I’m sorry but this is necessary.He had a fea..
Let me let go,I’m grasping for a hand to hold.But it’s not there,It’s not there.I don’t know what’s wrong or right,But I..
come live in my world,where holidays are just another daybecause everyday we’d spendtogether is special.come live in my world,where it’s a..
he’s a jerk.and i’m just a girl.i thought he’d be the one to give me the world.i’m alone,he’s with her.it doesn’t ..
And I’ll scream.I’ll scream until maybeYou’ll be able to hear me,Finally.And do you,Do you ever feelJust like you wanna run away?You..
Can’t help but notice,But you’re saying the same things to herThat you did to me.And was it love at first sight,First conversation?Tell me..
you, took her breath awayand though she’s a hopeless romantic that’s not something many can say.and you, didn’t have her at helloqui..