Ashley Mae. : Writing



A Book by Ashley Mae.

A young teenage girl is born with a curse, and when discovered, her life takes a few twists and turns, for better or for worse.
Chapter One.

Chapter One.

A Chapter by Ashley Mae.

The introduction of the main character, Mimi, and her confusion in regards to the 'curse'.
Chapter Two.

Chapter Two.

A Chapter by Ashley Mae.

Mimi is pushed over the edge.
Chapter Three - part one.

Chapter Three - part one.

A Chapter by Ashley Mae.

Mimi's first encounter with a therapist.
No Man's Land

No Man\'s Land

A Story by Ashley Mae.

A World War I tale that demonstrates the cruelty of war, and how those killing don't much want to kill.
Child abuse

Child abuse

A Poem by Ashley Mae.

The horrors of hitting a child.