Ashley Amigoni : Writing



A Story by Ashley Amigoni

Don�t act like I�m not here with you, hearing you, watching in your face the world crumbling away. I started this, I know, bu..


A Poem by Ashley Amigoni

He's tradeable for one more night with your intoxicated lack of hesitation. I would wrap my arms around your back, let you sleep upon my chest...chest..


A Poem by Ashley Amigoni

Instead, a wind that dies a curtain stilled, it lays, it lies Instead, a coffee mug gone cold a ticking clock, no days, it hides I sit alone, I fe..


A Poem by Ashley Amigoni

Written April 9, 2008.
Midnight Vernacular

Midnight Vernacular

A Book by Ashley Amigoni

What I have so far of what I hope will become a novel.
Sunset - Anya

Sunset - Anya

A Chapter by Ashley Amigoni

“It’s like I can’t wake up, it’s like I can’t get up, it’s like I can’t remember who I used to be. Am I ru..
Sunset - Juliette

Sunset - Juliette

A Chapter by Ashley Amigoni

“All this time I’ve wandered ‘round, searching for the things I’ll never know.” –Jeremy Camp ‘Restored&r..
Sunset - Elliot

Sunset - Elliot

A Chapter by Ashley Amigoni

“Love, it taught me to lie, life, it taught me to die.” --Damien Rice ‘Cannonball’ His footsteps are quickened, trying ..
Early Evening - Juliette

Early Evening - Juliette

A Chapter by Ashley Amigoni

“Just ‘cause it’s all in your head doesn’t mean it has to be in mine” -- Lifehouse “Only One” I tast..
Early Evening - Tom

Early Evening - Tom

A Chapter by Ashley Amigoni

“Tell me, over and over and over and over and over again It never was time for us, it never was time to let me in” ~~Evans Blue &ldquo..