


aint no sunshine when shes gone

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About Me

My favourite poet is pablo neruda at the moment I just love the line 'in you everything sank'. I'm very image driven. I love feedback so please review and I'll be happy to look at your poems. thank you to everybody who has been reading my work- I'm very pleased about the numbers of people reading. I'm inspired a lot by water and light- I like trying to describe their intricacies and their relationship.
I am married with 3 children and write in my spare time.

I have recently launched a new poetry magazine rivers of blue stars. I am currently looking for poetry to publish in the September edition. Please visit the blog to find out how to submit

Rating 97.51%
(gone up by 0.04!!??!!)
Rating now 97.6
gone up by 0.09!!!!?!!!
now 97.61
now 97.63
up,up,up 97.73!!!?
my moon is in aquarius so i carry the water within me and seek, always seek the air.

I have been published in June of this year which is very exciting! I will let you know if it becomes available in paperback. For the e copy please go to Amazon- its not very expensive. To find my book just go to Amazon or Barnes and Noble and search Beth St.Clair. The book is titled And Then I returned to you, you my poet of the water
I tried to do a link but it wouldn't let me, if you copy and paste the following link into your browser it will show you what the book looks like.

i have now left writers café mainly because it is just to slow to load. If you want to catch up with my poetry please go to and check out beth stclair (user name)



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Posted 11 Years Ago

:: thanks a million, gorgeous beth... sending you all my love and a million smiles... :)

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Posted 11 Years Ago

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Kelly xo

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Love this rendition.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

:: hello dudette... i just emailed you one of my posts for your magazine... the subject is "kiosk in kerala (by serah)"... in case it's not in your inbox, please do check in your spam folder... sometimes emails land up in the spam folder... hope you receive my submission... :) ~ serah

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Posted 11 Years Ago

I just posted one. Let me know if you want to use it for your blog. I have already lost the link. I warned you i get distracted!

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Posted 11 Years Ago

You need to post some more of your beauitful poetry so I can return the review favors :) I also didn't know about your book until I came to your page...I recently had my first collection published (there is a link on my page if you are interested), so I know what a wonderful feeling it is. Congratulations! I will have to support you by picking up a copy!

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Posted 11 Years Ago

I didn't know about your book, Beth...congratulations! I'll have to check it out...lovely cover, by the way!

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Hey...congrats on your publication! I'm definitely going to check it out.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

give me some kind of another name, will you...'ghost'?, how about susan or pinky or something