the larvae were born in a box of white marzipans,gnawing through womb-like webs:waxworm to weevil moth.they found me here.a plaid shirt in the closetw..
Some twilightsopen,only breath and heaving.Belongings? Withered air.Tucked inside.Cherish the smallest of sounds, eventwirled hair.Angels never demand..
10-07-096:51 a.m.The instructions were unequivocal: we were to shut the whole thing down with extreme haste. Nothing was to remain. They didn’t..
I am endless deaths, a mirror reservoir of infinite images, keyholes, openings, cracks in the floor to something more Nobody than Myself.Hearth: alche..
Swallow the snow bank cachesthat overrode the gutters, thisexercise of winter. Their spillageover days, call itriver in slumber leaving pockets and fi..
He (of nameless lineage) lifts a spear to the throat of the snake, like a torch to a salt mine--a ubiquitous terror. The ancient alchemistspurported t..
Tonight the Big Buddha has stone cold eyesIn the fluorescent light the full moon provides.I wandered here. Thick exhaustTrails from sapphire smiles I ..
A red fox doesn't compromisein the dead of night, whensecrets are shaved of extraneous fat.Don’t hide in these burrows,human: mockeryof a god, l..
Echoes of orange cooled the fragrance of an ancient spell I sought through bare feet.I curled them around pine cones, their spiral temporalities. Fait..
Pinch of a needle, roped: the Old Devil---a magician never shows his blade.Flurried castanets, feet turned foolsturned abject, then cruel. How sheerth..