About Me
I don't write professionaly. I do write alot. I'm what I'd call an All Around Artist. I say this cause everything I do best, and love to do most, is in the world of art. I write and play music, draw all the time, paint in oil, and actually if it's creative at all, and will allow me some release and mental pleasure, I am down. I graduated from an art college, I hang out with artists, so I guess I'm an artist. After illustrating my first book this past fall (the book is available pretty much anywhere and is called "Sam Ivers: Imminent Threat" and is for children anywhere from ten years old plus) it opened my eyes to a whole new field; one which interests me greatly because after all is said and done, drawing is what I do best, so if any of you authors need some solid illustration, get in touch. Otherwise sit back, get comfy, and lets like, do this thing.