I'm a fifth-year college student in Secondary English Ed, and I love writing (obviously, or I wouldn't be here). I write mostly poetry about my life, but I know that poetry isn't my strong point, so I also write short stories and any number of other things. I'd like to write a book, but I don't know if I have the stamina. Maybe someday a topic will interest me enough that I'll stick it out.
I like to read things that are just a bit absurd. I'm a huge fan of Catch-22, Will Cuppy, and a lot of Russian authors, including Bulgakov. I like to write things that are simple and easy to read, and my topic is usually everyday life. I'm trying to stretch beyond that a bit, so be prepared to confront some failed attempts.
My pet peeves are blatant spelling and grammar issues. I know that my writing isn't perfect, and sometimes even proofreading doesn't catch every mistake. However, if you have blatant spelling issues throughout your work, and you say "Ignore the spelling issues and just tell me what you think", you've immediately lost all of my respect. Use spell check, and re-read your work before posting it. Seriously.
I am a survivor of ten years of child sexual abuse. The previous sentence took about three times as long to write as the rest of this "about me", but it is one of the more pertinent details when considering my writing. I'm also hoping that my willingness to be open about it will remind others that abuse is NOT their fault, and that they don't need to be embarrassed.
If you like my writing, check out my blog at www.aribabybug.wordpress.com. It is mostly non-fiction, but I work on it just as hard as I work on things here.