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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I've always come up with stories and wanted to be an author. I used to do a lot of reading and writing as a kid. At a certain point I kind of stopped reading and writing, either because of all the reading and writing I was forced to do in university, or because my attention had been destroyed by the internet. I still wanted to be an author, and every now and then inspiration and motivation would hit me, but I would sabotage myself by thinking that writing was just a hobby for me and that I would never be successful.

I've now decided to think about writing not as something results based, but just as something I want to do. During Covid19, my writing feels like the one thing I can control.

I like fantasy and science fiction, but am also interested in non-fiction books on topics like politics, philosophy, history, science and religion.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey there!! :P Thanks for the review dude ^-^
Thanks alot for the constructive crticism too, I really know watcha mean!! I don't remember if i had the othr stuff described elsewhere, because thebook itself got wiped long ago, or what had been done of it anyway. I might go back through and edit it though ^-^