kaywrites : Writing

ThE bEsT sHoPpInG eVeR!!

ThE bEsT sHoPpInG eVeR!!

A Poem by kaywrites

This is dedicated to the shopaholics out there and also to those freaks who have been filling up their piggy banks to shop for that one product they a..
As ShE wAlKs AlOnG!^!

As ShE wAlKs AlOnG!^!

A Poem by kaywrites

The whole world is wishing this would happen soon but no one is ready to take the first step and set an example - WOMEN EMPOWERMENT.
ThE ToSs Of DeStInY!!

ThE ToSs Of DeStInY!!

A Poem by kaywrites

A poem about the ironical life that we face and how we attribute it to the so-called destiny.
ThE VeNeTiAn FaNtAsY

ThE VeNeTiAn FaNtAsY

A Poem by kaywrites

Everybody wants to go to VeNiCe!! This poem also takes a guitarist to the Venetian Fantasy and the feast to his eyes of the lovely city.
ThE EnViRoNmEnTaL SaViOr!!

ThE EnViRoNmEnTaL SaViOr!!

A Poem by kaywrites

As we look around, this poem will help us realize the plight our Mother Nature is facing and how we humans have to become her protectors and saviors.
ThE InCoMpLeTe SoNg..!!

ThE InCoMpLeTe SoNg..!!

A Poem by kaywrites

An exquisite poem that is woven around the story of a Nightingale's search for a loving soulmate.
OyE BuDdY!!

OyE BuDdY!!

A Poem by kaywrites

A poem that invariably pays tribute to sisterhoods and the deep bond of friendship and love that is shared between each soul carrying the legacy.