Taken out of storage, dusted off, cleaned up and polished for submission into Nerd contest.
This entire story revolves around three youths. Haris is one, Azkis (beginning this chapter) is the second. The third we will get to in time. I'm givi..
This is one of my many ongoing 'projects' although I have to admit this is my baby, my master work - if I can be so bold as to say that. It's long, an..
Azkis finds himself in a desert oasis...but is it really what it seems?
Azkis has a meeting that will change his life forever - but will it be a change for the good or bad?
This is a dream. A very realistic and frightening dream for the dreamer...
Haris is the dreamer, an orphaned stable boy, although at 16 summers old, he'd like to think he was a man.
Basically setting Haris' character, the place where he lives, and the difference in station between himself and his best friend.
Now we move onto establishing the third and last young "hero" that this story revolves around. Meet Arrianna.
Setting the scene where the young woman lives, and the type of person she has grown up to be.