Nikhil Sharda

Nikhil Sharda


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Delhi NCR, Gurgaon, India
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About Me

I am a producer and director for short fiction films and a writer

Lived most of ma life in MARS. Its a better place. We dont have orkut in MARS.


I am Nikhil. I'm abrasively honest, to the point I made a 35 year old CEO of a bigger company cry just by talking to him. I usually hate people, because they are all really f*****g stupid.

To me it really doesn't matter whether you’re a N****r, Boogie, Jap, Jig, Jigaboo, Skinhead, Moolimoolinyon, Schvatzit, Junglebunny. Greaser, Greaseball, Dago, Guinea, Whop, Ginzo, Kike, Zebe, Heed, Yid, Mocky, Himie, Mick, Donkey, Turkey, Limey, Frog. Zip, Zipperhead, Squarehead, Crout, Hiney, Jerry, Hun, Slope, Slopehead, Chink, Gook, cracker, whitey, the blue-eyed devil, paddy-o, fay gray boy, bohunk, snow mongrels, Guido, Goomba, Spic, W*****k, Beaner, honkey, Moon Cricket, towel head, camel jockey, apple, oreo. F*g, f****t, fruit, queer, tranny, homo, dongchoker, analblaster, fudge packer, buttpirate, pillow-biters, or c**k mongrel. I still hate each and every f*****g one of you.

I killed a baby seal once. It was not my fault, it tried teaching me calculus at 8 a clock in the morning. Plus I'm a Protestant Christian, it's like a rite of passage deal with us.

I've killed alot of cats. That was mostly out of compassion though, because they were shitting all over my car and I really love that car.

I usually dislike women,its difficult to deal with them.

I usually dislike men, because sex is all they think about.

I'm self-centered, because other people don't deserve my sympathy. I'm introverted, because other people don't deserve my company. I'm extroverted, because I'm curious about their habits and they make me feel better about myself.

"You scored higher than 99% on sociopathy"
Largely sociopathic genius.

I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. Courtesy of "Interstate 60". Don't ask me any questions if you don't want an honest answer, because I really don't give a s**t about your feelings.

Remember man as you walk by, as you are now so once was I, as I am now, so you will be, so prepare for death and follow me

"I'd hate to advocate drugs, violence, alcohol or insanity to anyone. But they always worked for me."


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Posted 13 Years Ago

you're always welcome.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hello Nikhil!
Sorry, I wasn't online at that time..Now I'm.
You can leave a message anytime :)

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Posted 15 Years Ago

been reading them. they are interesting

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Wasn't frequenting WC for a long time. Am kind of back..

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I am somehow severed from the cafe these days- don't get the inspiration to write.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Well....I do. I am doing good. Thanks.

Hope u doing good as well.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Where have you been???

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I am a counselor. Although, writing is my passion. I am currently writing my first book and will be posting segments soon. You write well and am glad you are my friend. I believe I can learn something from you. Thank you.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you very much. You made me blush.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

I am tring to cope after 3 days break from office.Ehat about the reviews I have sent what's your response?
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