(I'm trying to catch up on reading and reviewing as fast as I can! Sorry I'm getting behind.)
I am a Mommy of 3 children. I have always loved to write. I have written short romance novels and other short stories, lots of poetry and an autobiography that tells of a child who grew up in a very dysfunctional family, but didn't know it until she was almost grown. I have always been better at expressing myself through written words rather than verbally. I guess I don't think about what I am saying... so it may come across the wrong way... When I write, I get to contemplate the words and think about it so that it says exactly what I want it to in exactly the right way.
I have had many poems published by the International Society of Poetry. I have 3 of the books I was published in... I think I was published in 6 or 7 of them. My kids think it's great!
I look forward to getting to know many other writers and reading many phenomenal works.
This very dear friend of mine surprised me with this dedication to me.
Here's my new Motivational Quote of the day!