Grasp my soul,
and make it full.
God, I know that sometimes life is really hard,
and restricting to a person that only wants to be free.
But if ..
A million empty souls,
a million hallow men,
they stand at the gallows,
waiting for their doom
If only they had found some meaning in life,
Children,they are utterly perfect in every way. From the way they crinkle their nose and laugh, to the way their little hands fit in your palm, their ..
Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth
I wake in the night from dreams of exteme fright
As you walk away, to go to the place that you reside,
I do not run and cry, because your love is always with me.
Even though you have somewhere el..
People judge way too quickly what your all about; but until you have walked for a week in my shoes you have no idea. Dont judge me