AJ Douglas : Writing

Dance to Forget

Dance to Forget

A Poem by AJ Douglas

I've known enough desperados like you in my daywho dare to dance perched on the precipicehaving been burned too many timesflesh charred to the bone fr..


A Poem by AJ Douglas

He fades away like fogmist over a meadowburnt away by the sunas a vampire into vaporTaken from melike a naughty child's toyHis kiss a chimeraMy body w..
Sapphire Eyes

Sapphire Eyes

A Poem by AJ Douglas

The insincere fear mefor these sapphire eyes seethrough walls like windowspast the pantomimesthe masks of mendacitypeeling away pretenseseach layer of..
Black Holes

Black Holes

A Poem by AJ Douglas

In the vast stygian void of spacecallous and colddevoid of deitiesstars exhaust themselves after eonsof sending their light across the universebloatin..
Night Garden

Night Garden

A Poem by AJ Douglas

The late houris like a flowerunfurling and revealingthoughts obscuredblurred by the blindingsunshine and the hustleand bustle of the daysending them s..
Sea and Sky

Sea and Sky

A Poem by AJ Douglas

The border between sea and skyblends inseparably in shadesof gray and powder bluesubtle hints of pallid greenlike brush strokes of a paintingfrozen in..

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