i have a few wordsthat must belongto you.i found themsitting quietlyon the edges of my lipsand though i recognized themi knew they were notmy own.i've..
i don't evenknowwhat to say,for all that keeps coming out isi miss you.
how could i notbe head over heels?how could i notwish for your warmthforever by my side?you're perfect,you know,of that i'm most certain.now come clos..
clear, clccomeclose='y';while(comeclose=='y') please1=1;while(please1==1) mydarling1=input('may i steal a kiss? ', 's');if (mydarling1~='y' &&..
what more can be said?letour silencesay it all.i wish to turn once moreuntil the day is through,but almost as quietas the tire swing itself,the covere..
it's both funny and strange at the same timehow a personcan make you happy,can make you simply smilefrom the inside out,even at just the thought of th..
i sat and watchedas he grumbled through is coffeefrom across the table."they just don't think,those dancing fools.when was comfortanything more than n..
they're fruit,um,you know, because...uhh...hmmm...now wait, if you...and, okso if a tomato is, like...wait,an avocado is a fruit?yeah,i got nothing.
i don't really think there's a monsterunder my bed.i don't think there's actually a monsterin the closet.if there truly was,i would have heard him,for..
a smile through a windowand an overdue embrace.quietly shared wordswith intent to feeland a familiar warmthbreathing me in.carrying a handthat grasps ..