a hint of autumn
and rain on the window pane.
dear friends
and a coffee or two.
snugglesand cuddles,
laughs and smiles.
but al..
constant and cold,never growing,never waning.just rain.just beautiful steady rain.
a night both clearand full of mooni came upon an innand learned aboutthe narwhal firstbefore my eyes grew thin.i heard its namein mysterywhen brillig ..
i'm gladyou're a professional humanand not a professional animal,or toaster oven.
such a thought,it is,that love should never fail.for faith and hopecan only lastfor time appointed,but love,it is,and will always be.
'twas wonderfulto see you again,my dear old friend,and shareour forgotten memories.
blame love,if you must,but never allow such sentimentto loose your grip.for though love it may bethat has stolen your joy,it could only be but for a m..
the end.
is relative,as with many things,and so i'm sureat its basemust lay a measure ofprocrastination.or maybe not.i can't decide.