Pall and Mall

Pall and Mall


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Uppsala, Sweden
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About Me

We are Pall and Mall. Lovers and siblings. We travel all over the world, taking in the glorious beaches, and making love on every mountaintop. You could say we're the Lewis and Clarke of our time, in traveling, and in writing. We live in Sweden fulltime but we're from America. Everyone always asks us why we left and we just like say that America is too mundane for us. For now we work on some of our incredibly artistic portrayals of modern day human life which have been displayed alongside other work of extremely high caliber and can be seen in many artistic venues including Our only hope is that everyone discovers the passionate avant garde surrealistic existentialism that is Pall and Mall. Prepare to question not only your inhabitians, but all poetry that has come before Pall and Mall.

Our love for all things avant-garde will never be extinguished and neither will our ability to create some of the most whimsical, original, bohemian work you will ever see in your life. We will conquer the meanings and creations of sex, love, hatred, hope, death and gang violence in our writing and we encourage all willing participants to join the psychedelic, avant-garde explosion.

Lastly, we would like to thank the creators of Writers Cafe, for creating a virtual haven where all the true artists of the world can come and display their own beauty.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey, I'd truly like to thank you for the awesome review you gave "Wild Dreams"! You blew me away!


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Merry Christmas - Happy New Year

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Another review, thank you so much! I'm so glad that you found a liking to "Russian Roulette". That is one of my newest poems (added here anyways).

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Wow, thank you so very much for your golden review of my poem "I Do Believe, You're Not Butter"! I'm so very pleased and thrilled that it touched you both so.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I was unable to read your review for my poem "I Do Believe, You're Not Butter". I don't know what might have happened.