could you have been aboveunder the stairs braidinghope and leaves and othertwisting things. tight as a knotmy heart lines the box. willit play music w..
is this blister you call lovestainless/timelessthis is deeper than reasonpulses with feverand suddenly regurgitatedthoughts caught and trulycaptiveis ..
my heart does not hear me anymorethe noise resides in a hidden cornerbeating pleadingcome out of itmy heart is coughing rhetoricpretending eloquence, ..
happened to mei could not feel my handsalthough i threw them upi owe nothing but to my own resiliencei have my own condolences for the death of methe ..
i've been broken in my beer statewaiting for a wire to bend my limbs for mei am the doll eyes tipped back dazed withwantinganyone to take the lonlines..
i dreamed i was running to youwho knew my sorrow long beforei could articulate the words.i dreamed i was always leavingthe lovers who used me. i dream..
i haven't felt liftedfrom my body insome time, notinto the tree leavesshimmering orthe star soaked nightsky. am i aginggracelessly, intoa callus, a hu..
i swallowed myTopamax justnow it got methinking aboutconciousness,diverted riverflows electricalstorms peaceand war. Thethin slice preventingme from b..
you are fragile tooYou can f**k my name intothe girls that you findconvince me of your sensitivitywhere eternity is lying blackensand you are fragile ..