amorvincitomnia : Writing

All I ever do

All I ever do

A Poem by amorvincitomnia

Going through the motions that's all I ever doWake work eat sleep wake work eat sleepGoing through the motions that's all I ever doWake work eat cry s..
Dreams Out of Reach

Dreams Out of Reach

A Poem by amorvincitomnia

While at work, I was inspired by another piece and a certain someone I know....
Never know

Never know

A Poem by amorvincitomnia

I'm tired For years nowI can't keep tryingWhen inside I feel like I'm dyingI try to put on a show I've learned to wear the maskYou'd never know that w..


A Poem by amorvincitomnia

Just a short poem about where I stand and how I see, I make people a priority. To them I'm a convenience when they need me....
Your High Wall

Your High Wall

A Poem by amorvincitomnia

There you are upon that high wallAlways out of graspNow and again I catch your eyeI am gifted a smile I'll never know your loveThough I've known your ..
Till My Last

Till My Last

A Poem by amorvincitomnia

Something inside
Cliffs in my soul

Cliffs in my soul

A Poem by amorvincitomnia

pieces of me tonight..
What Should have been

What Should have been

A Poem by amorvincitomnia

Just one way I choose to release my mind....
Hope Lost

Hope Lost

A Poem by amorvincitomnia

I was laying in bed, just minutes ago when my mind as it often does went into overdrive. In the midst of it all this is what came out so I thought it'..
For you

For you

A Story by amorvincitomnia

A letter I wrote but never sent, want to share it now ...

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